Anima Dolls are a "Race", if you can call them such, of artificially created constructs; themselves a fusion of advanced clockworks, and magical runes. They are created by the people of the Kingdom of Mantle for a wide variety of purposes, but mostly as weapons of war.
Design and Function
Anima Dolls consist of three main components: - The Magitech Core, a complicated device consisting of a runed shell and an enchanted stone within. This is both the Heart and Mind of the Doll, and is located within the chest. The Magitech Core is fed and fueled by the Aura of their master, although the Mana Drain when "Idle" or not doing any intense activity is so slow that its easily overcome by anyone's natural regeneration, as long as their Master doesn't have more than one doll.
- The advanced internal clockwork mechanisms that allow the doll to move and act.
- The Outer Shell. For a reason that they refuse to specify, the Mantleans enjoy making this shell both look and feel as lifelike as possible, taking pride in it as if it was an art form...most will even argue quite convincingly that these dolls are in fact alive.
Additionally to the above, Dolls are known to develop personalities and emotions of their own over time. These Personalities and Emotions tend to be derived from their experiences as well as those of their Master. The Master's own desires can also play a part in influencing their emotional development.
Dolls can vary greatly in appearance. Most however have visible and obvious machine and mechanical features, as well as a variety of enchanted stones that likely serve the purpose of empowering or assisting the Doll's functionality. As previously stated, Mantleans seem to enjoy making their dolls look like other beings. The "Skin" of these dolls will feel soft, smooth, and warm to the touch. Their metal parts will feel similarly warm.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths: Anima Dolls are quite literally strong, having strength in line with an incredibly strong human, as well as incredible reaction time when completely undamaged.
Weaknesses: As a Doll takes increasing damage, or goes longer without proper maintenance, it becomes more difficult for them to move. additionally, because they feed off the Aura of their Master, if they are separated for too long they will shut down. The same will also happen if their master runs out of Mana. Lastly, During Combat or other high level physical activity, the Mana drain will surpass the natural regeneration of their Master, so as the Doll gets drained, so will the master be. Additionally, Their core inside their chest contains their personality, memories, and skills, so destroying it will destroy the doll for good. Lastly, blunt weapons have an increased chance to cause internal damage, disabling parts of or the entire doll altogether.
Playing as a Doll
Only the Mantleans, specifically The Artificer, know how to build Anima Dolls. Additionally, every Doll needs a Master to feed them Magic Energy. Contact Mekking#0021 on Discord for more information.