Cooldown System
The Spell-casters of Cinderfell Do not need to charge up their magic in preparation, or await for their spell to build up; But instead, must wait for their Mana to Cooldown; If they do not, they can suffer Mana burn or worse. The Cooldown system of Cinderfell magic allows anyone to cast a spell instantly; However, they must wait to cast another spell. To decide how long to wait, Each kind of spell is placed in Tiers, And depending on your Spellcaster Class, this will affect you.
Every spell eventually falls into One of 5 tiers, and the higher the tier the more powerful the effect of the spell is- with the consequence of a longer cooldown. Some spells however do not require you to wait for a cooldown depending on your class, and will give you a magic advantage. For all spells, you can hold concentration of the spell for a period of time; usually the period of time is the same amount of emotes/turns/actions as the cooldown requirement is (eg, Cast a tier 2 spell of streaming water, You can hold it for the amount of CD (cooldown) of your class)
The Cooldown for each Tier and class will be denoted by;
CD: (number of emotes/actions/turns you need to cool down here)
All classes can cast up to Tier 3 spells in any situation, weather in combat or not, however to reach Tier four and over, must follow one of the following requirements for your class;
To reach Tier 4 spells during scenarios or regular combat, you can do the following; Cast 1xTier 3 spells
To reach tier 4 spells during scenarios or regular combat, you can do either of the following; cast 2x Tier 2 spells, or cast 1x Tier 3 spell
To reach tier 4 spells during scenarios or regular combat, you can do either of the following; Cast 3x Tier 1 spells, cast 2x Tier 2 spells, or cast 1x Tier 3 spell
Magic Tiers
Tier 1: Cantrips
A spell which creates a small impact or minor effect, such as a small stream of fire, a light the size of your palm, levitating a small object, or even healing a small trivial wound.
Bladeslinger CD: 1 Spellblade CD: 0 Hexblade CD: Cannot cast
Tier 2: Basic Spells
Tier 2 consists of spells which have an effect which is impactful, but not always lethal. Examples of spells which would be a Tier 2 spell can be Healing a Painful/Debilitating wound, An enchanting effect to increase physical abilities (Such as increased speed and strength), Forming a quick Arcane shield or even launching a rock the size of a forearm.
Bladeslinger CD: 2
Spellblade CD : 1 Hexblade CD: 0
Tier 3: Moderate Spells
A spell which has an impressive amount of Power, And can be lethal if it hits dead-on or against a target which is already moderately injured. A torso-sized fireball is a perfect example, along with a bolt of arcing electricity, healing a crippling wound, giving yourself stone-skin on a limb or levitating in the air.
Bladeslinger CD: 3
Spellblade CD: 2 Hexblade CD: 2
Tier 4: Heavy-Duty Spells
A spell which can either be Awe-inspiring, terrifying, or deadly. Perhaps even all three in one. If a spell like this targets you and you have no cover, or protection which could be magical or Well-equipped armour, You could become knocked out of the fight or worse; dead.Examples of spells with such power can be an entire room filling with fire, Summoning a large lightning bolt from the sky onto your enemy, or a large barrage of arcane blades at an enemy.
Bladeslinger CD: 4
Spellblade CD: 3 Hexblade CD: 2
Tier 5: Extreme Spells
Tier 5 spells are when you typically are heavily dependent on Luck, as you can suffer consequences trying to cast spells of this level. Even if you successfully cast the spell; There's no guarantee on what it will do sometimes. There have been situations such as someone Casting a fire that they cannot desummon or put out, requiring assistance of others; Or another large pinball of a fireball bouncing around to not only hit a foe, But its environment, and even the Caster. If you cast at this Level, there's the possibility of self-injury through mana burn or exhaustion, or even your magic having a Wild-Magic affect .
Bladeslinger CD: 6
Spellblade CD: 5 Hexblade CD: 4