All Credit belongs to the Original Artist Background Fairies have constantly wondered the lands of Cinderfell, able to travel days in the air due to the wing speed- and whenever tired and wish to blend in a bit better with society- can simply morph to a more acceptable size. However, Fairies weren't often found trying to blend in within villages- Due to their appearance, they stull stuck out quite well. And it is because of that, Fairies were previously hunted down by other races to make use of their wings. It was rumoured that their wings had magical prosperities, able to be used for Magical silk or clothing. This is why Fairies are not all so commonly seen; Or even heard of. They keep to themselves, and tend to only reveal to those who they trust what they truly are... Appearance
Fairies tend to stick out like a sore thumb, being the maximum height of 4ft tall. However, Fairies have a second form which also isn't as tall; To Which they can morph their bodies to be barely the size of someone's palm, and form wings within the process. This morphing from big to small is an embedded transmutation that's mutated into a Fairies bloodstream- this same mutation allows them to form wings on their back, along with removing them temporarily. Removing the wings for long periods of time may be uncomfortable for Fairies. Otherwise, Fairies usually have None-natural hair colours, along with eyes.
With the Ability of Morphing from one form to another, Fairies tend to keep to themselves and people alike- staying away from Large groups of people who aren’t fairies and keeping to people that they trust. Especially due to transmuting to remove their wings temporarily tends to get uncomfortable; they need people they can trust to reveal them around due to their background with being hunted for their wings. They are a very untrusting group, however when a Fairy does trust a person; they aren't afraid to show their true colours and no longer hide their wings from the people of Cinderfell. Otherwise.. Some Fairies have grown to think that having wings out 24/7 is a normal occurrence, and never bother to tap into their transmutation.. Either constantly remaining small, constantly having wings, etc.
Weaknesses and strengths
Strengths Of fairies tend to be how In Touch they are with magic. Fairies are Very in touch with magic, and are generally able to learn any magic of their choice as long as they have the Aura capacity to do so. Fairies also gain a speed advantage when small, and when using their wings to either propel themselves or fly in the air, able to be a bit faster than your average sprinting person- though also not as fast as a vampire. With Fairies having their transmutation mutation, they are immune to Lycanthropy.. However, due to Fairies being overall slower than vampires- When afflicted with Vampirism, then become the speed of your average vampire (Thus, only a touch faster than an average fairy)..Weaknesses of Fairies are quite simple- Due to their small natural size and the Mutations backlash, Fairies are unable to take a lot of hits, suffering from weak durability and overall weak bones. These bones have the possibility of damage even from their own morphs, although it is not common. Fairies also lack a lot of strength but make up for it in intelligence, their lack of strength coming from the weakness of their bodies bones and lack of durability.