All credit belongs to the Artist
Humans have been one of the many known races on Cinderfell, exploring the lands and building small villages to survive in- Farms to feed their people, hunting festivals to celebrate those that helped keep the village fed... They were a races that held Holidays, celebrations, commitments- Yet, were also one of the most mistreated races in the lands of Cinderfell. Humans were looked down upon by the Elvish and many others, constantly having to prove themselves to the world that they are capable of much more. Some Humans begun working under Kalferians to learn about Clockwork, Magi-tech, and much more-- While some went to Magic to learn from the Elves which were kind enough to teach. Others... Did not simply care to prove their worth through learning of other cultures, and kept happy in their small villages- fending their land from any war that may come sweep over their homes.
Majority Humans believe that their culture is one of Peace, Celebration, and War. Humans have participated in wars against their own kin, Celebrations of hunts and holidays- and all humans usually looking for peace near the end of their lives. This culture also revolves around how a Human child was conditions in their younger lives; were they neglected, and forced to fend for themselves? Their culture in that case may revolve around survival of the fittest, and not believe in peace or celebration. A Human could of also lived in riches- never having to lift a finger to do anything for themselves, always living in peace with everything handed to them in life. And those that experience the days of war; may only believe in war.
Human appearances are both self-explanatory, yet very diverse at the same time. Their skin tones range from dark to light, and some humans are small, tall, overweight or even underweight. Humans either take care of their appearance and smell, while others tend to smell as if they went dumpster diving for a week straight and look like a hairy racoon. It all depends on the type of Human and their culture/origins; maybe they didn't learn that bathing was a normal occurrence, and that it was a luxury that only the rich were privileged to.
Otherwise, a humans culture is shaped by society itself- War, Other races views, Clockwork, News boards and other home environment issues severely affect a humans culture, and will impact others futures. The way one human has been treated at home or by society will affect how they treat others, so everyone in life must tread this road very carefully.
Weaknesses and strengths
Weaknesses of humans are quite simple, especially when they are not careful and tend to act ruthlessly. Too much blunt damage that fractures or breaks a bone, along with causing bruising. Piercing weapons can cause humans to bleed out if the wounds are severe and left unattended, along with causing serious infections.
The main strength of a human is their ability to adapt- their bodies are capable of adapting to circumstances once being put through the same experience many times before. An example of this is when a human goes through the same painful punishment over and over of having their finger pricked by a needle, they no longer become as affected by such a punishment; It overtime becomes more and more bearable.