Cinderfell Monthly Calendar
Time conversion Cinderfell, Much like the real world- contains 12 months within a year, Starting at the year at the New Moon, The harshest of the snowfall allowing those to recognise the new year that has just begun within the middle of winter; and ending upon a Blizzards Moon, as snow begins to fall and removes all sign of the autumn leaves that had fallen in During Falls Moon. Each section of the calendar is coloured to match a season; Blue for Winter, Green for spring, Red for summer, and orange for autumn. Each Month of the Wheel represents a Week of real-life time, allowing an In real-life year to contain 4 years of IRP time. 3 Months In real life is equal to one year within Cinderfell. There are exceptions to this rule of thumb; Such as event time skips, which will be announce after certain events pass, Map changes, etc. We have decided on this time conversion as it allows players on hiatus not to miss too much, but also just enough time for progression to occur in roleplay and not be too slow; allowing for steady-paced roleplay and easy to keep track of development of the server, characters, even how old pets may be. Summary of the rule of thumb: 1 week = 1 IRP Month 3 months = 1 IRP Year 1 Year = 4 IRP Years With this in mind, We will always announce any major time skips, and will try to come to a mutual agreement on how long they shall be (example: casting a server vote). However another small exception to the rule are possible areas where time does not function the same, such as Pocket-realms, or possible event areas were time may be twisted only slightly faster or slower, to which you will be made aware of. We hope this helps track progression in the server- and allows people to connect their character with certain months of the calendar. Mayhaps your character was born upon a Blizzard moon and really likes Snowfall because of it? Or your character really hates Summer, and is more grumpy during the heat. To help keep track of the months, as of writing this post, we are officially in the Moon of the Lost phase this week starting on the 31st. -The staff Team