The Archipelago
The Archipelago was known as a small location within the Realm of Cinderfell, A small boat travel away from the main-land where Evaurd and Terramoore once both stood strong. The Place was one of the first places to be hit with the Age of Violence War, All four Isles having their own kingdoms, nations, and races- begun to brutally battle each other.. Until snow turned to Ash, Deserts turned to uninhabited wastelands, Mountains destroyed and Jungles which were previously homes to civilisation were overrun by beasts... The war flickered out like a slow, dying flame. It is here, where it is said, the Rumour of the Age of Violence had begun; the four nations eventually taking their battles and news to the mainland and spreading the chaos.. Although, that is just a rumour.
Eventually, Like Evaurd and Terramoore, the Archipelago began to rebuild; The Nation of Ashmir within the snowy winter lands rebuilt their capital, naming it after their nation and the burning tragedies it had suffered within the war; Ashmore. A now constant reminder of the Ash that is littered in the city's snow, and history.
Followed Soon after, were the other nations; Deveroi set out into No-Mans land, and it is said that they have built a large trade-town within the desert wastelands, named Dreverdoire, after the last name of their Fallen king.
The Land of Evermore and its empire seeked refuge in the mountains, although how much they have rebuilt of their home is unknown... No one from other Nations has claimed to ever find the Kingdom, thinking that the City of Erenoire was a lie to try and attract people to the Island.
Lastly, The Land of Grimmoria and its People only focused rebuilding on areas in their land which were safe from monsters and prowling beasts in the jungle, never accepting refugees that wanted to settle now.. Forever warning them that their stay was not welcomed, and that there were rules to this land.. Should they disobey, it wouldn't be the empire of Grimmoria that dealt with them, but apparently something much worse. Their most populated Village is The port town of Grimwood.
City Of Ashmore
The land of Ashmore was known for its people being able to easily handle its cold weather; even during snow blizzards, the town stood strong. The Town and its Government were prideful people, following rules which allowed one to earn respect, and be respected. If you did not pride yourself and humble others, you were but just a fool roaming the icelands in which you were not welcome. But recent events have changed how the town and its people now think and act.
People now fend for themselves in a city which took too much than it could handle. Ashmore allows refugees from the mainland with no government intervention- allowing way too many people into the city. Ashmores Harsh winters were something newcomers were not used to, many of the poor people which constantly crowded the city would end up seeking shelter wherever they could. During the day, The Rich took advantage of the poor, and the poor took advantage of the rich; People of poor nature going missing or ending up beaten, doing labour-driven jobs for barely a piece of silver.. And the Rich would end up targets, jewellery and gold going missing- assaulted in public by gangs of lower-class people.
Ashmores pride and joy fell away like snow, the Town and its people now relly for action from its government… Who have not made any decision since the loss of their Order of the Knights.. A group of knights which were sent off to secure a trade deal with other kingdoms, and never returned, except one man.
Village of Grimwood
Grimwood is a small village on the edge of Grimmoria, along the coast of ocean waters and settled within a clearing of the jungle. Grimwood was previously known to actually be located beside a forest of blooming cherry blossoms, however due to the Age of Violence, the town had been over-run by cruel beasts that now claimed the cherry blossom lands as their home. So the people fled, only to return years later to rebuild nearby.. Only a walks away, is the ruined Old-Town, yet none dare venture to it.
Grimwood follows the rules of the Grimmorian nation, however with a few extras of their own. The Tapeti that call Grimwood a home warn any travellers that come into the city of these rules; telling them they can stay no longer than three nights within the town, never to go into the forest alone, and finally; never be outside past sundown. The Chief of the Village making sure that those who had broken the rules do not go unpunished… That, or something else unknown, takes care of the rulebreakers.
The town and its people are otherwise welcoming to people of their own Kin, only Tapeti living in the town of Grimwood. So if you were a Human, Elf, Kalfarian or something else, beware if you enter- you may not receive the kindest of treatment.