Hello players of Cinderfell! The last few weeks, we have been asking questions, posting polls, and discussing changes that could occur to the server, or things players may want included into the servers lore, mechanics, etc. This is just an update to tell the community what has been discussed and what we are currently working on!
Steampunk Update:
Firstly, Many of you have expressed interest in Steampunk and more lore around the technological advancements of cinderfell. We are working on this as one of our top priorities. We are trying to find a nice middle ground that makes it possible for people without magic to fight back with Technology, but also trying not to go too far into technology advancements that the server becomes more modern than fantasy/medieval.
Magic Update:
Secondly, we have been asking lately about peoples opinions on magic and its systems. We know how much magic means to our players as its one of the main aspects that also drive us apart from other servers; our free-form systems and lack of whitelisting. Don't worry! We plan on keeping all our freeform style, just trying to improve the quality of classes (Spellblade and spellweaver) and possibly one or two more magic circles added to the mix. Any solid changes wont be posted without getting the opinion of you, our players, first. As we care a lot about what you guys think and strive to provide the best we can.
Afflictions Update:
Third, Xencor has previously posted about which afflictions need the most love, more detail, or more overall written about it. We are also focusing on getting this done too! Undead was one of the main ones that really needed alot more done to it. We hope the lore improvements will aid in better Roleplay and provide some more insight to players on these afflictions. We also plan on defining what makes an affliction and what makes a race. General Lore Update: Another thing that has been discussed is adding more lore in general, Flavourful or informative. We plan on adding in some more lore pieces such as plant/creature lore, Alchemy is possibly on the table, along with Religion being put on the table. There's other aspects of lore we are looking into to aid in world and character building all together.
General Update:
Finally, We have noticed some thing's need a lot more clearing up such as in our rules page-- some rules are unclear along with some magic limitations or what's allowed/not allowed etc. We are focusing on fixing up these and making sure we are communicating properly to everyone in cinder fell, allowing everyone to be on the same page of what's okay and what isn't.
I may not have listed these in proper order, But the staff team are busy at hand making sure these things get done along with planning the next set of events for the Event line. I just wish to say thank you all for all your opinions and support, and we will be trying our best to get these things out as soon as we can. We all just have persona lives to also tend to, and will always do what we can for the server and our player base.
Hope you all have had a Happy Easter! - The Staff Team